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Energy and Type of Energy
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The first page is about types of energy, and we are going to see the types of energy and some other things about renewable energy such as: energy resources, renewable Batteries and solar panels

Solar Energy

In the page of Solar Energy, you can find the definition of Solar Energy, how the Solar Panels works, and an experiment that you can enjoy, understanding much better the Solar Panel Technology.  All the visit experience endured with videos to make it more interactive.

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Eolic Energy
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In this page you will find information about clean energy, these can help you to understand how important is to change in our daily live habits that harmful the environment, is important to contribute in the climate problems. The nature probate natural resources that can be used to produce Renewable energy 

Hydraulic Energy

In the page of Hydraulic Energy you can find the definition of Hydro electricity, How a turbine work to make electricity, how hydroelectricicty work and produce energy, how many Damp are in Colombia, fun experiments and more, you  find more information here.

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Energy Uses

During the visit to the Energy Uses page, you will enjoy some data about USA energy consumption in Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Transportation Areas.  In addition, you will find some figures that explain consumption of energy per capita, sources of energy, and production of Electricity in Colombia.

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